Week One of #ARU10DoT

We’re halfway through the Ten Days of Twitter – I’m really glad so many of you have joined us, and hope you’re finding it useful and fun! Thanks for all your participation. I’ve made several new acquaintances on Twitter, and will be following you for all

If you’re following along but haven’t tweeted yet, or if you’ve only just found the programme, it’s not too late to join us! Send me a message as in Day 2 with my name @markwarnes2 and the hashtag #ARU10DoT, and I’ll add you to the list of participants on Twitter that we can all view (see Day 3), to see who else is participating.

Don’t forget to complete all the daily tasks if you want to qualify for a Digital Badge!

 Have a great weekend, keep tweeting, and I’ll see you on Monday for Day 6!

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