Getting ready for #ARU10DoT launch on Monday!

Ten Days of Twitter for Anglia Ruskin starts on Monday, and I’m really looking forward to meeting more colleagues online, exploring Twitter and joining in the conversations. I’ve found it an invaluable way to share information and resources with others and even discuss matters at quite some length, given the 280 character limit! I hope you find it a positive experience too.

If you’d like to join us, then please register via the Anglia Learning & Teaching website.

We’ll be going at a manageable pace – one small aspect of Twitter each day, starting with setting up your account effectively on Day One – and I hope none of the Days will need any more than about ten minutes for you to cover the basics. We’re all busy people, and Twitter should suit the fast pace of our work, not hinder it! If you get a day or so behind, don’t worry though, it’s easy to catch up when you have time, the blog posts will all still be there, and we’ll still be around on Twitter to say hi! If you have time, there are some extras to explore, especially in the later days, and I hope you will also spend a little time each day engaging with your Twitter feed, interacting with your new followers and taking part in Twitter chats – it will be worth investing a little extra time if you’re able to!

If you’re already on Twitter, then you may well know much of what we’ll be covering already. We’ll be starting right from scratch with Twitter, but even if it’s familiar stuff to you, I hope you’ll be following the hashtag #ARU10DoT and supporting your newly hatched colleagues by retweeting and replying to their tweets! There may even be a few tips which will be useful to you, you never know!

Plus – you can qualify for a Digital Badge for Twitter. To receive your badge you must complete a small activity every day, either on this Blog, or on Twitter, or both!

If you have any questions, do leave them in the comments!

See you online on Monday for the First Day of Twitter!

Mark @markwarnes2

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